» Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:01 am
What you can grab is random, at least that's how it always seemed in the other games. You stick your hand into their pocket and grab. What you get is the business of the person who put it there. Maybe with higher skill you can slow down time and get a general idea of the type of item, or grab the highest value item. Maybe you could have a pick pocketing targeting menu to define what type of item is highest on the agenda, like keys, gold, or theft quest items, etc.
I would like to see theft of jewelery and belts and watches and other things too, and especially stealing from sleeping people.
You could tell an NPC wants to pickpocket you because they will weave and move toward you no matter how much you avoid them.
There could be a stop-pickpockets mechanic of patting yourself down after you collide with someone, and with higher security skill you have better chance of your character knowing what is missing, or stopping them in the act.