I suddenly had the silly vision of what it would look like if you combined multi-screen resolution with that other idea some people had been throwing around - having helmets block your view. One middle screen with a bit of the view blocked at the corners..... and the two side screens completely black. :rofl:
(Actually, that makes me wonder - are there any multi-screen-enabled FPSes? And if so, what do they do when you zoom in a sniper scope.... black out the side screens? /ponder)
Yep: (warning huge images)
Not quite sure how scoping works. Anyway like I said I've never actually done it because of the bezel issue. Makes some amazing screenshots though. The fallout 3 picture does the 3 monitor setup the best IMO: hud/gun/hands/all visible pc parts on the middle monitor, then the other monitors just extend the FOV. Then again most of these were not actually made to support three monitors, and it's basically handled through the graphics card. Idk about the FO3 one though, it seems like that would have to be built-in support or a HUD mod.