There's no point in having a flaming arrow if you can just enchant it to have a fire effect. Not sure what the wolves are going.
unless that is a butchered giant those arnt wolves they are rats and there eating a corpse. also the point to a flaming arrow is so you dont have to spend the magicka or the soul gem enchanting the arrows
unless that is a butchered giant those arnt wolves they are rats and there eating a corpse. also the point to a flaming arrow is so you dont have to spend the magicka or the soul gem enchanting the arrows
Thanks for the link. I don't get many hits usually.
Since writing that, I'm wondering if the "wolves" aren't some kind of arctic fox (which itself is an exciting thought - the more, and more varied the fauna around Skyrim, the more alive and detailed the world is likely to feel). The one on the left seems to be worrying at a corpse tied to the pillar. If that's at all representative of in-game creature AI, I'll be impressed.
And I agree the bandit armour looks great. I love the fur mantle thing.
Agreed, especially about the furry mantle part. It looks awesome!