Now I Know What Has Been Bothering Me About This Game.

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:09 pm

The 3 biggest complaints I have about this game is:

1) The AI
2) The AI
3) The AI

Every time I see a friendly bot doing something completely moronic makes me grit my teeth. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that the performance of the bots are chaotic at best. The poor AI of the bots isn't what irks me the most, although it probably ranks second.

I realized what I hate most about Brink while playing Breakout on Normal as the Resistance. I was "retying" the stage because the bots on my team were running around like headless chickens the first time I played the stage. On the retry I was a soldier and I went through the left side passage that take you to the drop off on the left side of the entrance where you need to remove the panel and set the charge. I jumped down and jumped though the gaps in the barricades. I was able to remove the panel and set the charge. I was again by myself and my teammates still had not made it around the first set of barricades. I was able to take out most of the attackers but I was finally taken out by a close range shotgun blast and then the Security forces disarmed the charge. While I waited for those incompetent medics to arrive I decided to watch what my teammates were doing. Those dingbats were taking the long way around. They went far right and tried to move up the right side of the barricades. WTF? Needless to they kept getting shot to pieces. First 5 minutes, then 4, then 3 and 2. It was then I thought that I was all on my own. That I might as well be playing against 2 teams. And then it hit me. I WAS playing against 2 teams on my own. The level of the friendly bots are so far below the level of the enemy bots that the friendlies are more of a hindrance than a help. The friendlies aren't actively helping me but passively hindering my goals.

It's really depressing to come to the realization that a game is more frustrating than fun. I really hope that the devs put out a patch for this game because I really like it but I'm not going to play a game that stresses me out.
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evelina c
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