Yes, and after the outcry from the fans after Crossbows were removed in Oblivion, I think it's safe to say that Crossbows will be in TES:V.
except they were aware that there would be an outcry before they even put the game out, they pulled crossbows with the expectation that it would upset a whole demographic and instead they mocked them via Miaq the liar. bgs is kinda childish in the sense that they don't accept any critisisms and cling to the side that doesn't care about crossbows and spears. they don't care that they are upseting the fraction that likes these things, because the truth is there is a larger demographic of potential consumers that care more about realism, next gen graphics, and dragons (in the same sentence as realism I know, but point of having realism in a fantasy game never made sense any ways).
based on previous actions and whats been said, were likly to see them cut even more weapon types from the game so that they can fit in some other content that is more mainstream.