the amount of knock downs ive had just playing first 2 levels is joke, you got ai smacking you to ground and it seems to take 2 hits to do same to them, ai are thick as $££$ does not help as i write this i just put full clip into enemy who then 2 shoots and knocks me down.
something didnt get checked before release or is this meant to play like cod on highest difficuilty where you get fraged whole level
Lights are much, much more susceptible to knockdowns than mediums or heavies. My medium/heavy characters might get knocked down if they're close to an enemy frag grenade, but my light gets thrown across the room by nades that go off anywhere near me.
For the most part though, there's only four things in this game that will knock you down: 1. Grenades 2. HE charges/Satchel charges exploding nearby 3. Melee attacks 4. Sliding attacks
All of them are pretty easy to avoid if you're quick to react to the threat.