(Non) Official BRINK fixes and suggestions thread

Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:06 am


Now we are in day 3 of brink and honestly I, and hopefully others are enjoying it. Strong focus on Team based gameplay, a new style of thinking how you're going to play the game (emphasis on SMART and character/class customization) and an overall fun experience. But I'm sorry if I'm the one to break this to you but there are problems. There are also many ideas that can turn BRINK into a greater shooter than it is at this time. So right here we will be listing ideas on how we can improve BRINK to make it a fully functional product.
Break down of suggestions

To keep some organization in this thread since we don't want to look like whiny fan boys wanting 'MOAR' from the game, I am going to try and set up a way of organizing suggestions between what the fix/ suggestion has to do with. So since it's the simplest method on the forums (unless your color blind in which case... Sorry?) we are going to color code these suggestions. Simply in the title or the actual comment color the text to that of the corresponding category (Sorry for the very politically correct instructions)


Single Player-RED

Gameplay elements (SMART, health, all-around player traits, ect.)-YELLOW

Class traits-BLUE


Character traits-ORANGE (i.e appearance, size traits, clothing)

All others (please list what might focus on, enough of a group of problems will be made into new category)-GRAY

Thank you for your efforts and hopefully we can improve all of our experiences saving or escaping the ark
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lillian luna
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:32 am

Hi all,

As stated earlier in this thread, we do not officially support controllers on PC... however...

If you launch brink through steam with the following launch option (Right click Brink, then Properties\General\Set Launch Options):

+set g_EnablePCControllerInput 1

This will enable the detection of controller devices. As this is an unsupported feature, there are a few things you should be aware of:

1) You will need to create a config to bind the controller inputs to game actions
2) We have only ever used the xbox360 controller this way internally
3) There is no aim-assist in the PC version of the game

I hope this helps!
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Lauren Dale
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