» Mon May 02, 2011 7:55 pm
Honestly? It's probably got more to do with animations than anything else. The animations for spears and crossbows would require a lot of unique work. Polearms can use the same animations as all two-handers. All one-handed weapons use the same one. Thus calculations for hit-detection are the same. A spear would require unique one and two handed animations, a more complicated and expensive activity in the engine involved all to provide only one weapon. Similar issue with crossbows. A unique set of animations and mechanics for only a single 'add'.
As others have touched on spears and crossbows have a unique dynamic to add to combat. A good thing in its way, a bad thing in context of a game engine. It's a fundamental of any software design - how many zots must you expend to add how much goodness to the end product. Would spears be cool? Of course. I'd love them. I'm a big fan of how they look and how they were used, they're a cool and multi-purpose weapon. One handed, two handed or thrown. Is Skyrim going to suffer for the absence? Not really for the vast majority of consumers.
You want spears, mod them in. Oh, wait - something like a spear would involve a great deal of actual code in the game to make work effectively and not just be something you can add in like a modded item. Hence the answer to the question. Would spears be cool? Yes. It's pretty silly to say that they and crossbows are absent because, what, Bethesda just doesn't like them? They have a personal issue with the people who like them? Don't be ridiculous. They have X zots to work with. They are spending them where they will generate the most bang. Spears, crossbows, an open world that would allow for levitation, having the entire continent of Tamriel fleshed out and playable, none of this is going to happen. Not because it's impossible but because it does not generate adequate return for the energy/effort/expensive that it would require.