Okay, we're not going to talk about Bethesda here, because they're a company and they have to churn out results. As for game design, you got me at an advantage, because I'm pretty clueless.
But I got to disagree that "True joy is seeing it work". This works for everything in life except your passion. If you really love what you do, then simply doing it is joy (not fun mind you, but it is joy). Exercising, experimenting, fooling around for fooling around's sake, pushing the boundaries and even repetitive work is different when you do what you really love.
As I said we're not talking about Bethesda here anymore, but about people in general.
I know what you mean. I find true joy with interacting with my son. He's at such a fun age. He just started crawling. He jabbers constantly. He smiles when you make eye contact. Little things like that are what joy is in my eyes.
I'm not saying I hate programming. Far from it. But it CAN be boring and tedious at times, no matter how fun the end result is.
Sinister Raven: The thousands of ideas that pour in could be from a younger audience, and it could also just be from someone who has put a lot of time and thought into their idea, and their wish is to hopefully see it in a future game. The internet has given game developers an endless portal into seeing what the fans want. It's a wonderful tool. Even before I wanted to put together a team to try and make something, I enjoyed seeing the passion people have behind their ideas. It's given me a lot of thought of what can and can't be done as well. I have over 110 typed pages of stuff we plan to put into our game, and I know about half of it probably won't make it in. Some of it due to the limitations of Flash, and some of it the limitations of myself and the team. BUT. It is always nice to see people come up with new and fresh ideas that may be used later on.
On that note. I need to get to bed. Thank Akatosh my wife is getting up with our son. It's 530, and he's due up in the next hour and a half. Goodnight all.