I am a stealthy dude, always was and probably will continue to be.
So I read that there is a shout that can slow time and since I like to sneak, would i be able to say these words in a "whispery" way?
I am in a dungeon, I sneak and see a group of 3 enemies; would I be able to "whisper" the words to slow time without them hearing me? slow down time and then jump from the corner and fire off a arrow or maybe two? assuming the ability is timed and gives you an edge(able to use the mouse to look around normally without the "slow effect")
What I mean is that I guess that if I where to scream the words like in the trailer the enemies would go into a alert status and start moving or perhaps not giving me damage bonus because i am not stealth anymore.
Oh! And hi everyone! =)
I have been a lurker for too long and I believe its time for me to ask some questions! (Got plenty, but going to wait for more info to be released )