Thing is, I know save data can be backed up to a USB. But this data is locked to the PS3 system account it was originally saved onto; I tried to copy the data from my main account and PSN ID, onto an alternate account on the console linked to a different PSN ID because I couldn't be bothered unlocking everything again, but it didn't work. But in the past I've noticed that data which was unable to be copied to my USB has had the option to be copied onto PS+ online storage...
TL;DR: With the free month of PS+ we're all getting I wanted to make the most of it, which is why I want to know if any PS+ users know if saving data to the online storage means it's locked to your PSN ID rather than your user account on the console, and can you save it back to your HDD later through PSN? If I send in my PS3 to be repaired/replaced then the HDD will get wiped along with all the users and their save data, and even if I back up my Brink data to a USB, I don't think I'll actually be able to use it on the new user I'll have to create when the console returns.