Attributes, unlike the what, is the 'who' I am. If I did not have any armor, any magic, or any weapons, the perks would be nullified as the perks are based off of how good I am particular weapons/magic/armor. With those gone, I would rely on who I am, my core attributes and a pair of shorts.
I can see consolodating them if all they did was increase HP, mana, or stamina. But, with a new TES, Bethesda has an opportunity to bring back the magic of what attributes can really do.
Lets Look at the Nord Male and Female
Male 50 50 30 30 40 40
Female 50 40 30 40 40 40
There is a way to meaningfuly use these attributes that do not use them just for increasing mana,health, stamina.
As a percentage of more damage or resistence to/from melee or majick. How much you can carry (str), how fast you are (spd), your projectile weapon damage percentage (agi).
Strength. A Nord has a 50% chance of deflecting 1-3 points damage of a melee attack and 50% chance of doing 1-3 points more damage with any melee attack. Also affects how much he can carry.
Willpower. A nord has 30% chance of deflecting 1-3 points of magic damage.
Intelligence: A nord has 30% chance of increasing magic damage 1-3 points.
etc., etc..
These attributes would work in conjunction with perks and will provide and would be additional to Skills levels. For example, if all perks, levels, and skills were the same, a nord who added points to Willpower will have more resistance to magic versus a nord who added points elsewhere. So if I could add 1 point to just one of these 6 attributes when I reach level 10, 20, 30 (every 10 levels), then this would increase character differentation.
This is just an example how Bethesda can bring back the wonder of a D&D style probability system with attibutes. Notice, this attributes would not affect Health, mana, or stamina and Luck and Personality are nixed.