Im rly a big fan of TES4 ,the best game ive ever played. But hey ,i can pick lotta of points where should have been improved...
And as the one svcks most is EQUIPMENT SYSTEM. Im not trolling, trust me. As an RPG game, though we cant say the equipment is the soul of the fun, it ofc can be claimed as a big part of the game experience.
Lets check out TES4. This game have a incredibly huge game world, various kinds of monsters and many many quests..But , man ...what do we have as our best company --weapons??? Rusty iron series,iron series , fine iron?? and steel,silver,glass and deadric series(forgive me if i mistaked the spelling or forget some series)?? Yeah yeah there r Dai-kanata kanata kakakakaka& dragon armor XD .But hey... this is boring... rly. The poor system cant match up with the one in Torch Light(a 300MB game).
Players made plenty of mods for more gears...they put them in lil chests ,shops or directly in our inventory : / Gears r cool but they ruined this game in some way : / If we gain the cool gears from killing/ stealing / looting, it will be hella fun !!!!(i luv the mod called "HENTAI MANIA")
And the different stats for arms is important ,too. I dont hate "4pt fire dmg" or"4 pt shock dmf p/s for 2 sec" but only these things on every enchanted arm just svcks. We fight&searched for a ARTIFACT of LENGEND for an hour and finally get a sword with"12pt ice dmg/sec for 4sec"..Thats a lotta dmg right???: / Rly enough dmg, gimme something other than that plz....And if it is possible, spare me froming charging my MAGICAL weapon like charging my frigging cellphone plz XD..
Differ weapons from different colors of their names will do lotta good i think ,and thats not to hard to realize right??
Link deleted~~~~~ (A link to hentai mania,this is a rly good mod trying to make TES better ^_^)
Im looking forward to a rly better game !!! Best wishes for our well luved TES and for incoming SKYRIM