I've noticed something in Morrowind and Oblivion, There hasn't been any festivals or holidays. So as your enjoying the imersive experiance. Watching NPCs live their life, when you realise they don't celebrate anything; not even a harvest celebration. Obviously it wouldn't seem special if it's too often, or if it isn't often enough. Do you guys want Festivals or Holidays in Skyrim?
EDIT: I haven't played Areno or Daggerfall, so I didn't realise they had festivals and holidays.
Yeah you really should try them -- at least Daggerfall.
And some of them were quite useful. Like the Merchant's Festival...the one day of the year when all the merchants sell their wares for half-price. So I wandered around a couple of towns that day seeking out the weakest merchants I could find...those with the poorest bartering skills around. I wheeled and dealed and bought books in bulk; loading up all 75 pounds of my cart's carrying capacity with them, before going off to share all this newly acquired knowledge with the rest of the world -- for a fee and a hefty profit, of course.
Anyway a full list of the holidays and their descriptions can be found http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Holidays if you're interested.