Another thing that caught my ire in Oblivion was when I would find a silver chalice or ream of cloth three levels down in a dark dank cave. OR what the heck is a very hard locked chest doing in a cavern of bears and animals? I just thought that an immersion breaker were things that just seemed out of place, just because bethesda felt the room needed some sort of decor. For example: instead of having the locked chest in a bear cave, have a huge pile of bones and carcassed--the player can search those bones until his heart is content. Keep it logical.
Agreed. And the absence of clutter associated with industry (farming, shipping, etc.). There's a book store, but where is the print shop? Where are the sheep to grow the wool? Where are the carding instruments and the looms? In other words, a lack of cottage industry. A lack of production facilities, just the merchants selling manufactured wares without evidence of the industry that collects the raw materials. Where are the mines and smelters for iron ore to be made into iron and steel weapons, tools, armor, and door hinges? Where's the lumberjack for the wooden houses, the carpenter for the furniture?
Dead bodies, bone piles, and random loot spawn spots (equipment spawning in a corner or near a corpse/skeleton). No, chests in the caves made no sense. Neither did spriggans and wolves in the lower levels of caves. Wolves don't live in caves! Bears only hibernate in them or other shelter. For the most part, none of those creature should have been in there, and certainly not within 30 feet of another creature of a different species!