-No Telepathic Guards. I want the ability to intercept and either bribe or kill witnesses before they report my crimes (this was already mentioned in my previous post but in case others have not seen it)
-No Cookie Cutter Oblivion Gates/Dungeons. Got tired of looking for those Sigil Stones in Oblivion. Sure they were cool at the start but after a while it was tiresome and frustrating going into gates.
-Keep random scripting like what was used in Fallout 3. I remember going to the supermarket (forget the name please forgive me) and encountering different things each time, one time a traveler was being attacked by a deathclaw, another time I found a nut job talking about the oasis, another time I found an alien blaster and a bunch of ammo laying about. This sort of scripting makes each play through extremely fun and interesting.
-Enhanced 3rd person view. Let's face it.. even in Fallout 3 the 3rd person is horrible lol. Sure, I will probably still play first person as the game really is intended for.. but others might want to.. I'm just sayin.
-Making the world WORTH exploring on foot. Don't get me wrong.. they always include many locations in their games to go see but once I have a quest I always just fast travel to the nearest location and then walk a short distance to get there because it just wasn't worth it to me to walk the whole way. I know that in Infinity Ward's Blog done by IW-BROOKS (http://www.gametrailers.com/users/IW-Brooks/gamepad/?action=blog) he mentions how the game looks entirely different to any other and how vibrant everything looks. I hope that this will fix this issue. I just think that in Oblivion there were so many trees but not much of anything else to see.
-Make an ending worthy of the hero. I won't spoil the ending of Oblivion for anyone who hasn't beaten it but.. come on! LoL. Let us feel like we are the badass at the end..
-Change the Charges and Uses on magical items. This is just my opinion and people are allowed to disagree with me but I couldn't stand having to recharge magical items just because I use them and then in the middle of an adventure have it go dead on me. I think that soul stones should just be used in the enchanting process (setting the actual magical properties to the item itself) instead of maintaining the magical power inside of the item. I have managing the charges on items.
-Easter Eggs. Add some Bethesda Easter Egg fun in the game! I would laugh to see a Wood Elf named Fargoth.
These are just some thoughts of mine. You are allowed to agree and/or disagree with them but let's keep it civil