You think the world needs to be bigger. I don't. See where the problem lies?
I think there's no problem. As long as you give good reasons and show what most people want for the future. I also think Bethesda is smart enough to judge themself...
I'd like a bigger size for Tes 6 but 100% handcrafted, not random. If they have the money and the time and the people they need they could do it 30%,50% bigger than Skyrim and we would feel the difference for sure. People who were disappointed should think twice if they wanted random landscape and repetitive dungeons and settlements, or go back to Morrowind's variation?
I LOVE the fact that so much is handcrafted in Skyrim. But exactly everything need to be 100% handcrafted? Not in my opinion, no. Trees, bushes, grass, foilage etc. That can all be randomized and still look natural. Far Cry 2 seem to have it nice in the video I showed... what I call random handcrafting.
It saves A LOT of time so that a bigger world would be possible without that much work needed. And it might even save time for lots of other things. But I shouldn't say too much ahead. Creation Kit might already got this feature? Idk. My guess is a no though, because Todd said before that the Creation Kit isn't really that different from previous world editors. Speculation open though.