“Some of our designers, we have a couple of them that are just in charge of what we call world interaction... or random things,” said Howard.
“This guy setup just making wolves go out in hunting packs, so we have these wolves that go out to hunt and if they kill something... we have mammoths, which you’ll see at E3, and they can hunt a mammoth and kill it, and then they’ll hang out by it for a while,” he continued.
“It’s like their kill... and then they’ll go back on their route. I mean, like honestly, something like that takes 15 minutes for our designers.”
“It’s actually something we didn’t realise people wanted... we give people bows, you give them deers, they want to hunt. We didn’t realise that initially, so we’re trying to add that. It’s a common question... we’re trying to add more.”
Really sorry if this is old!