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Find Member's Posts Jan 29 2009, 03:31 PM Post #1
Group: Members
Joined: 6-September 08
From: the gunshine state :\
You are a hand on a settlement, lets say in cyrodil i need a limited amount of players. the "settlement" starts off as just a Main house a supply house and a stable.there is a dense forest near by and to the south is a known silver mine. The idea is to harvest crops, to defend the settlement from creatures and animals,along with feeding yourself and employees im pretty sure you know what im getting at
its understandable if we dont fill all roles but we may need to augment what you want to fit the game.
Aulakauss is my second-in-command so follow his rule, k?
Ranch Master:Ikarion Dellestorn-XxHavokxX
Spy master:Jamar Valthuras-Mr. Manafayce
Guard Captain:Erik Du'gaal-XxHavokxX
Gurad 1:lIan Schepulture-Dont remember >.>
Guard 2:Basher-woooly mamoth
gamemaster:Colinion "Long Bow" Hayus-Faldom
Stablemaster:Conivicous rex-XxHavokxX
Hedge Mage:raggi-!999
Peasant 1:Kyrdrav Nihkert-cant remember >.>
Peasant 2:Sell-Faldom
Peasant 3:Teem-Keeus-Alaukauss
Peasant 4:Tamikus-Alaukauss
Peasant 5:Ardy-chris
maid 1:Ashikme-Alaukauss
Maid 2:
Maid 3:
Armorer:Ragnarr coldblood-Ragnokk
15 lbs of food a day
10 lb of wood a day
900 gallons of water a day
129 lbs of salted deer
3 bushels of apples
4 barrels of tobacco
600 lbs of wood
1,200 gallons of water
20 iron long swords
one dozen sets of clothing
2 horses
gold (2,430)
Product:4lbs of wheat
1barrel of tobacco
2 deer(200 lbs of meat)
settlement so far
All newcomers will be subject to the hierarchy present at the moment in this settlement. Ikarion, our leader, has full jurisdiction over any matter, and his powers supercede those of any other official or person of power in the settlement. You will follow his orders, and treat him with respect. This goes for whomever else may come to lead the settlement in time.
For the first few days of a newcomer's residence here, he or she will unconditionally accept that he or she will be watched by myself, the Spymaster, in order to ascertain his or her true intentions. If I find you worthy of my, and our, trust, you will be left in peace.
If any newcomer, or resident, is found to be contravening the basic rules of residence in this settlement (these will be further elaborated by the captain of the guard), he or she will be subject to a punishment deemed fitting by the captain of the guard, and Ikarion, whether that be permanent exile, or death.
These rules should include - damage to property, assault, murder, theft, fraud, [censored], Blackmail, Smuggling, Or conspiracy to commit the aforementioned.
This is to be deemed as law throughout the confines of this settlement, and applies to any and all of its residents and guests.
Jamar Valthuras, Spymaster
Ikarion Dellstorm,Lord
This post has been edited by XxHavokxX: Feb 17 2009, 03:36 PM
I have copied the original starting thread as Rohugh locked it for 200 posts - Great going guys!
As far as I am concerned this is still XxHavokxX's rp - he said he wanted it to be an everyday thing, but he has been offline several days for reasons unknown so this is to keep it going for those who are enjoying it. Besides we can't drop it in the middle of a full scale battle.