I didn't say making a texture is plausible for everyone, I said making a texture isn't rocket science, are you going to claim that it is?
It's my understanding that rocket science represents 'very hard' on the scale of difficulty, and that inbetween easy and very hard, there are a hell of a lot of other difficulties no?
I didn't even say I made good textures. the point of my post, which seems to have unbelievably alluded you, is that the Bethesda staff (or at least some of them)
know how to, and are very good at making textures (given that this is their job) -- and therefore it is no humongous stretch of believablity to suggest that they could make some independent textures for weapon/armour customisation.
Well as I recall you said "who says you need to make new textures". If you know anythig about texturing you know you can't just slap texture A for model B on model C. So yeah it would be a stretch to have independent textures that can fit properly on any weapon model.
Therefore you would have to create them in game ie. Texture editing like Photoshop or paint. Which is a hassle to put in a game with a limited interface when you consider there is far more to it than just drawing something ie bump mapping/normal maps/alphas/uv mapping etc..Otherwise you're just talking modding which is not what the OP wants.
I also concluded that if you say you make textures that you mean something that wouldnt look out of place on it eg. a cometely black texture (might be a texture but it ain't going to fit in right) which yes apparently was too much of a jump. Sorry about that.
My post wasn't intended to be an attack on you or something. I was simply making a normal jump in logic and pointing out why it wouldn't be possible. Although looking back now I see you said that it wasn't necessarily wrong to say it would be a hassle. Again sorry.