i'll be making 2 characters. first playthrough will be vanilla, second with mods
1st playthrough:
1. What is their name going to be?
koda (male)
2. What is their race going to be?
3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
health and strength
4. What guilds are you going to join?
fighter's guild
5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
bashing the [censored] out of things
6. Bad or good character?
7. Write a story about your character
awesome Schwarzenegger bodied dude bashes [censored] with a hammer.
second playthrough:
1. What is their name going to be?
ksora (female)
2. What is their race going to be?
some modded fantasy race
3. What are they focusing on? (health , magic , stamina)
stealth, bowmanship and stealing
4. What guilds are you going to join?
thieves guild, marksman guild(if they make one

) dark brotherhood
5. What skil type are you doing? (combat , magic , theif , assassin , mixture)
mix between assassin/ranger/thief
6. Bad or good character?
7. Write a story about your character
robin hood type character likes shooting stuff in the face with a bow and arrow.