"hey, remember this question back here? the one that's already been answered?.... YOU COULD'VE USED GOOGLE!!!!" and look I'll tell you how to use google because A) I'm trying to be an ass or B)I'm super pedantic... <-(my mind when i read this post)
We all know how to use google.
I don't care if you gave me a smiley face and a +1... I despise when people do what you just did.
We all know how to use google.
I don't care if you gave me a smiley face and a +1... I despise when people do what you just did.
Ditto. I despise when people take the time to move to a separate page just to reply to someones obvious reference to a mod and then takes the time to ask what it is without copy pasting it into their url OR highlighting and right clicking it. I guess that makes us 1 for 1 on both accounts doesn't it?
Whoa lookey there! That person googled it! Glad he didn't have to take the time to ask what it was in a public forum (which is more tedious not only for that person but also for those that have to read the question and response.)
Edit: Also Dragon_Stalker, I didn't vote him out of anything