How to be with the fan a quest to the Russian author?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:41 am

I had not big problem. I am fan The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind also has written a quest on a theme of this game in Russian. There was a problem at his{its} exhibiting at our competition KRIL 2008. :(

I break your rights whether or not if has created and the fan has published a quest on the basis of universe The Elder Scrolls?

Understand me correctly, we have not enough information about The Elder Scrolls and about that as it is possible to create the fan quests not breaking your copyrights. Therefore I want to learn{find out}, what I need to make, that my quest was not threatened with a garbage basket? And how? It is very important for me.;)

Also I want to add, that my quest is created not for commerce and in Russian. Since I badly know the English language alas I can not transfer{translate} for you the game to your language.

Since to attach in your forum my file of a quest with the text there is no opportunity I shall try to lay out the initial text in the following post.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:57 pm

In the original (in Russian):
:Aboutpln Квест создан на основе вселенной  The Elder Scrolls, по 3-ей части под названием "Морроувинд", события происходят на острове Вварндфелл после прошествия, как минимум, сотни лет, победы Нереварином над Дагот Уром в Красной горе. Герой данного квеста тоже совершит определенный поступок рядом с Красной гором, а точнее древним вулканом острова.plnpln Данный квест является текстовым квестом с элементами РПГ, т.е. здесь присутствует ролевая система (см. "О Ролевой системе"). По большей части квест носит повествовательный характер, но вам придется учавствовать в боях и принимать решения в опасных ситуациях, от которых зависит успешность продвижения по сюжету. Если кто-то из вас играл в текстовые квесты "Космических Рейнджеров", то вы найдете много общего с их понятием текстовых квестов.plnpln Сам сюжет рассказывает историю героя его же взглядом на мир. Т.е повествование, по большей части, ведется от первого лица. Иногда герой может намекнуть об опасностях, подстерегающих его впереди, или дать подсказку своим ходом мыслей. Так что не рекомендую быстро нажимать на кнопки, иначе вы можете что-то пропустить. К тому же, игра написана таким образом, что при приближении сюжета к концу она потребует от вас вспомнить некоторые моменты из игры. Естественно вопросы не будут задаваться из-за угла, но они основаны на сюжетных моментах. Иначе говоря, игроку, внимательно прочитавшему, не составит труда пройти испытания перед финальной битвой. Так что вопросов или головомок на темы, которые вы можете не знать по вселенной The Elder Scrolls нет, все основано на содержании сюжета квеста.plnpln Т.к. по законам жанра игр вселенной The Elder Scrolls разрешение конфликтов происходит также, как и в средневековье, то (как сказано выше) вам придется вступать в бои, как проводится см. "О Боевой системе", а также по законам жанра Интерактивной Литературы бои будут встречаться не часто, так что смертность героя составляет всего 40% (см. "О Смертности"). Не смотря на соотвествие с "Билем о правах игрока" в данном квесте присутствует смертность, но она не будет для игрока внезапной.plnpln Теперь, немного о истории написания самой игры. Мне всегда нравился "Морроувинд" не смотря на его серую графику, в то время не было таких возможностей как сейчас. Он нравится мне до сих пор, даже "Обливион" со всеми его возможностями не мог дать того простора и фантазии, которые были в "Морроувинд". Именно его полная не завершенность по сравнению с "Обливион", могла дать возможность проявить фантазию и представить некоторые события самому. "Готика" в этом плане давала возможностей, при исследовании ее пространства, больше, но "Морроувинд" дает больше возможности действий в игре и не заканчивается после прохождения основной сюжетной линии. Именно ту зависимость от выбора действий и возможность представить Вварндфелл по своему я и хотел создать в данном квесте, который гармонично вплетается в общую историю острова. Вы можете найти некоторые не соотвествия с Вварндфеллом в игре, но они сделаны из-за того, что события происходят спустя сотню лет, а за это время многое могло измениться.plnpln Жанр ИЛ очень подошел по данным требованиям самой идеи, поэтому игра написана больше как литературное произведение. Мой стиль написания может быть немного грубоват, но мне удалось его выдержать на протяжении всей игры, что в принципе удавалось с трудом. Я понимаю, под ИЛ чаще понимаются адвентуры, но этот квест имеет больше сходства с электронной книгой-игрой. И все же я буду доволен, если мне удалось передать вам то, что видел сам, когда играл в "Морроувинд". :)plnpln Если у вас, после прохождения игры, появилось желание познакомиться с этой интересной вселенной The Elder Scrolls, то можете зайти по этому адресу в качестве отправной точки:pln http://www.elderscrolls.netplnpln Приятной вам игры!btn new, Назадend

In English:
:Aboutpln the Quest is created on the basis of universe The Elder Scrolls, on 3 parts under name "Морроувинд", events occur on island Vvarndfell after proprocession, at least, hundreds years, victories Нереварином above Дагот Ur in Red mountain. The hero of the given quest too will make the certain act near to Red гором, to be exact an ancient volcano of island.plnpln the Given quest is a text quest with elements РПГ, i.e. here there is a role system (see " About Role system "). Generally the quest has narrative character, but it is necessary to you учавствовать in fights and to make of the decision in dangerous situations on which success of promotion on a plot depends. If someone from you played text quests " Space Rangers " you will find much in common with their concept of text quests.plnpln the plot tells a history of the hero his{its} sight at the world. Т.е the narration, generally, is conducted from the first person. The hero can sometimes hint about the dangers trapping it{him} ahead, or to give the help the train of thought. So I do not recommend to press quickly buttons, differently you can pass{miss} something. Besides, game is written in such a manner that at approach{approximation} of a plot the end she{it} will demand from you to recollect some moments from game. Questions will naturally not be set because of a corner, but they are based on the subject moments. In other words, to the player who has closely read, it is possible to be tested before final fight. So questions or головомок on themes which you can not know on universe The Elder Scrolls are not present, all is based on the maintenance{contents} of a plot of a quest.plnpln Since under laws of a genre of games of universe The Elder Scrolls the resolution of conflicts occurs also, as well as in the Middle Ages (as it is told above) you should enter fights as it is carried out{is spent} see " About Fighting system ", and also under laws of a genre of the Interactive Literature fights will meet not frequently so death rate of the hero makes only 40 % (see " About Death rate "). Not looking on соотвествие with " Билем about the rights of the player " in the given quest there is a death rate, but she{it} will not be sudden for the player.plnpln Now, it is a little about a history of a spelling of the game. Me always liked "Морроувинд" not looking on his{its} grey to the schedule, at that time there were no such opportunities as now. It{he} is pleasant to me till now, even "Обливион" with all his{its} opportunities could not give that open space and imagination which were in "Морроувинд". His{its} full not completeness in comparison with "Обливион", could enable to show imagination and to present some events itself. " The gothic style " in this plan allowed opportunities, at research of its{her} space it is, more, but "Морроувинд" gives more opportunity of actions in game and does not come to an end after passage of the basic subject line. To present Вварндфелл on the I also wanted to create that dependence on a choice of actions and an opportunity in the given quest which is harmoniously intertwined in the general{common} history of island. You can find the some people not соотвествия with Вварндфеллом in game, but they are made that events occur after one hundred years, and for this time much could change.plnpln the Genre SILT has very much approached under the given requirements of the idea, therefore game is written more as a literary work. My style of a spelling can be a little rude, but I managed to sustain it{him} during all game, that basically it was possible hardly. I understand, under SILT are understood адвентуры is more often, but this quest has more similarities to electronic book - game. And still I shall be pleased, if I managed to transfer to you that saw itself when played "Морроувинд".:)plnpln If at you, after passage of game, the desire to get acquainted from this interesting universe The Elder Scrolls can go to this address as a starting point has appeared:pln http: // www.elderscrolls.netplnpln Pleasant to you of game!btn new, Backend

I ask me for to excuse earlier for the bad English and to not punish, and to help.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 pm

If you wish to publish anything under the Elder Scrolls name, you would have to get permission from Bethesda itself.

If this is a mod, a fan fiction, or a roleplay there will be no problem, unless you decide to publish these for a book, or a board game to be bought.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 pm

There's nothing illegal about fanfics, just don't try to publish it. That is why this section is called the Fan-Fiction Section.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 am

Basically this mean:

For Money = Can't do it.

For Free = OK, no problem.

As long as you don't profit with it, everything is OK.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

Thanks for the answer.

I seem you almost have understood, but what exactly is understood at you as a word to issue? I.e. participation of my quest at your competitions of quests in his{its} English localization will be infringement of copyrights?

Or it is meant as another?

Also what is concrete to me, how to the fan to add the quest from the text of the legal owner to not clash with it{him} in the future? At all not looking that this quest, is distributed as freewire.

Probably I should give any information on the legal owner and other precisely to be confident, that problems with it at me will not be.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 pm

You can do anything on the basis of the Elder Scrolls, but you can not sell or make money from it.

You can write or draw Elder Scrolls things. You can change (modify) the game and its files. You can not use the files of Morrowind and put them in Oblivion. You can change the game however you want but you can not change the file named Oblivion.esm or Morrowind.esm.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 pm

If to tell more precisely, I have some changes in the description of two settlements Morrowind (Seda-Nin and Chull) and one place on pass in desert (Eshlend). But they are made with a stress on last 100 years, i.e. Seda-Nin became a seaport, and Chull the big village obtaining not only a fish, as in game, but eggs from egg mine{shaft}. At the same time in Chull the fort of the Drunk Butterfly (so it has been conceived on a plot of a quest) for good safety has appeared. I.e. I have improved places for the time reasons being based that is in game. The everything else coincides that we see during game in Morrowind if to pass on a plot of a quest, even the description of district.

At me on a plot the hero stays on the same volcanic island. After hundred years there the specified settlements and a place of pass on pass only have changed became closer to Chull. On a plot the hero gets acquainted with evolved in due course Seda-Nin and is sent in a caravan up to Chull to a fort of legionaries, i.e. in his{its} structure. Having got in a fortress of a fort it{he}, carrying out some tasks, learns{finds out} more in detail about strange behaviour of all animals on island. During transition it{he} is convinced of the strange and organized aggression of animals and perishes. The ambassador during revival by prince Daedric it{he} learns{finds out}, that his{its} opponent is a pawn in dispute of two princes Daedric, as well as. Also is one of ancient danmer come here from other world (to nobody known since the history of the universe about it does not contain data). His{its} present opponent is ancient danmer and the shaman, subordinated to itself many animals on this island. The hero of a quest in gets to one of tribes Eshlend and it is necessary it{him} of the three tests to prove that it{he} the one who should kill the mad shaman. In last chapter{head} it{he} should penetrate into ruins Kchemel-ze and to win the shaman. After a victory over the shaman, the hero being in a desperate situation jumps in a portal (probably his{its} native world), and ruins fall finally together with a portal. Certainly in an epilogue it is told, that all comes back to circles the, but the hero remains not known to anybody, i.e. nobody knows the real reasons of loss of the organized aggression of the certain kinds of animals on island, except for tribe Eshlend.

The fan a quest refers to " Forgotten Hero Vvarndefell ", is created by a text quest on one of Russian platforms for such quests and takes part at Russian competition of quests.

As I have understood, I fanfic does not break the rights. But the plot has told, that at us has arisen understanding. I hope my plot does not differ from concept fanfic (fan fiction). ;)

Names written here in English can not coincide with official, but in Russian in a quest they are written also, as well as in official localization Morrowind.

I shall be grateful, if you will answer me of one more time.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm

If to tell more precisely, I have some changes in the description of two settlements Morrowind (Seda-Nin and Chull) and one place on pass in desert (Eshlend). But they are made with a stress on last 100 years, i.e. Seda-Nin became a seaport, and Chull the big village obtaining not only a fish, as in game, but eggs from egg mine{shaft}. At the same time in Chull the fort of the Drunk Butterfly (so it has been conceived on a plot of a quest) for good safety has appeared. I.e. I have improved places for the time reasons being based that is in game. The everything else coincides that we see during game in Morrowind if to pass on a plot of a quest, even the description of district.

At me on a plot the hero stays on the same volcanic island. After hundred years there the specified settlements and a place of pass on pass only have changed became closer to Chull. On a plot the hero gets acquainted with evolved in due course Seda-Nin and is sent in a caravan up to Chull to a fort of legionaries, i.e. in his{its} structure. Having got in a fortress of a fort it{he}, carrying out some tasks, learns{finds out} more in detail about strange behaviour of all animals on island. During transition it{he} is convinced of the strange and organized aggression of animals and perishes. The ambassador during revival by prince Daedric it{he} learns{finds out}, that his{its} opponent is a pawn in dispute of two princes Daedric, as well as. Also is one of ancient danmer come here from other world (to nobody known since the history of the universe about it does not contain data). His{its} present opponent is ancient danmer and the shaman, subordinated to itself many animals on this island. The hero of a quest in gets to one of tribes Eshlend and it is necessary it{him} of the three tests to prove that it{he} the one who should kill the mad shaman. In last chapter{head} it{he} should penetrate into ruins Kchemel-ze and to win the shaman. After a victory over the shaman, the hero being in a desperate situation jumps in a portal (probably his{its} native world), and ruins fall finally together with a portal. Certainly in an epilogue it is told, that all comes back to circles the, but the hero remains not known to anybody, i.e. nobody knows the real reasons of loss of the organized aggression of the certain kinds of animals on island, except for tribe Eshlend.

The fan a quest refers to " Forgotten Hero Vvarndefell ", is created by a text quest on one of Russian platforms for such quests and takes part at Russian competition of quests.

As I have understood, I fanfic does not break the rights. But the plot has told, that at us has arisen understanding. I hope my plot does not differ from concept fanfic (fan fiction). ;)

Names written here in English can not coincide with official, but in Russian in a quest they are written also, as well as in official localization Morrowind.

I shall be grateful, if you will answer me of one more time.

Ваша небылица вентилятора кажется очень интересной, и никак она не ломает никакие законы. Небылица вентилятора вполне законна покуда вы не зарабатываете никакие деньги ее.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:24 pm

Ваша небылица вентилятора кажется очень интересной, и никак она не ломает никакие законы. Небылица вентилятора вполне законна покуда вы не зарабатываете никакие деньги ее.

Once again thanks for the answer, now to me all is clear. Though you could tell and on the native language.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:00 am

Once again thanks for the answer, now to me all is clear. Though you could tell and on the native language.

вы радушны. Я попробовал мое самое лучшее потому что мой русский бит. Всегда вам нужно что-нибыдь don' t испуган спросить мне. Счастливый праздник!
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 pm

Здравствуйте Eten (RUS)
Оно взяло нас много времени понять ваш английский, мы решили ответить вас в русском и быть более ясный.
Вы имели подняли очень нежный вопрос. В генеральном вентиляторы небылиц приветствуются нами на условии что отречение содержится в них. Это проясняет их лицензионное состояние. Мы довольны с вами попыткой написать вентилятор небылицы однако мы имеем попросить вас включать отречение в вашу игру как это нормально делают авторы. Держите в уме что продавает и конкуренция с деньгами являются нелегальные деятельности.
Лучшие пожелания
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 pm

Hi! I'm from the same community (Russian Interactive Fiction Community) as Eten.

My question is: what if his ES-based work participating in a competition with monetary prizes? Can it be considered as making money out of copyrighted trademark? I understand that he is not going to sell his IF, but in this case money still involved...

Thank you.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

Hi! I'm from the same community (Russian Interactive Fiction Community) as Eten.

My question is: what if his ES-based work participating in a competition with monetary prizes? Can it be considered as making money out of copyrighted trademark? I understand that he is not going to sell his IF, but in this case money still involved...

Thank you.

He cannot make any profit from it, or it's illegal.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 pm

He cannot make any profit from it, or it's illegal.

Could you please make it clear. Receiving prize in a competition considered as profit and therefore prohibited? (For me it is but I want to make it crystal clear for everyone in our community.)
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:26 am

В генеральном вентиляторы небылиц приветствуются нами на условии что отречение содержится в них. Это проясняет их лицензионное состояние.

Thanks for participation in a question to mine to the colleague since this question is of great importance for us.

I shall fairly tell, I do not know, that it is necessary to write and in what language that it was valid, and I did not have with it problems. I ask to tell, what exactly should be is included (write the text or give the address). :wacko:

Could you please make it clear. Receiving prize in a competition considered as profit and therefore prohibited? (For me it is but I want to make it crystal clear for everyone in our community.)

If those will take place, whether my refusal of a monetary prize correct this situation can?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 pm

If those will take place, whether my refusal of a monetary prize correct this situation can?

if you refuse the money, no problem with Bethesda softworks.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 am

Thanks for detailed answers. Then I shall continue to participate in competition, and a prize I shall refuse in general.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 pm

If you can recieve any money or rewards from it, either through a prize, donantions, selling....etc it is illegal, so as long as there is no money involed then you are well within the legal limits.

donantions goes into the gray area a bit be careful there.
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 pm

Хороший день Eten (RUS)
Мы захотим информировать вас - вы деланы забаву из, в других словах вы имеете были поиметы. URQ has you. Проснись вверх, Нео.
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Rik Douglas
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