I completely agree. I would like Conjuration to become more useful and strategic.
I would like conjuration to become linked to soul gems and soul trapping.
You conjure the creature that you trapped in the soul gem using a generic summon creature spell (which also recaptures your creature), and the soul gem loses power while summoned creature is in the world. (you choose which gem by equipping it)
The more powerful the soul, the quicker it loses power, but this is slowed as you increase your conjuration skill.
You can use other (fully charged) soul gems to recharge the soul gem you have drained for conjuration, but this destroys the soul gem (similar to enchanting).
Theoretically, under this system at low level conjuration you can have a permanent lesser soul like a Skeleton Warrior, as long as you replenish its soul gem every once in a while (say 30 minutes), but if you managed to get hold of a Golden Saint soul gem it may only last 10 seconds before draining.
At 100 skill the Golden Saint soul gem would last for say 10 minutes
Less powerful soul gems should be easy to find, so you are not struggling to keep your summoned creature of choice out as long as you are trapping souls.
However, how guards act towards you and your summoned creature should depend on which region you are in.
More conservative regions of Skyrim that hate daedra worship should attack you and your creature, whereas more progressive and open to magic regions should just leave you alone. (Yes, different regions should have different attitudes to various issues!)