1. Will all characters have the same body shape like in Oblivion? I mean, in Oblivion pretty much everybody was incredibly muscular and well-toned. Even fatties had six packs.
2. Will you be able to do something about your height and weight? Nords are naturally taller, it'd be good if being taller gives some bonus but also some handicaps, same for being shorter.
3. Are we going to see different body models? It'd be good if we could have fat people, as well as skinny people, muscular ones and others in between.
I ask all of this because I played Fallout 3, Mass Effect 1&2 and Oblivion, in these games everyone has the same body and it just makes the game unrealistic. Every guy is the same height and size, same for the girls. It would be great if there could be 4-5 different body models for characters, or just a tool that randomly generates bodies.
That's it for now. I'm sure some of these questions have been addressed but we never know.