In Sermon 13, much is focused on "the center that cannot hold." :
"The magical cross is an integration of the worth of mortals at the expense of their spirits. Surround it with the triangle and you begin to see the Triune house. It becomes divided into corners, which are ruled by our brethren, the Four Corners: BAL DAGON MALAC SHEOG. Rotate the triangle and you pierce the heart of the Beginning Place, the foul lie, the testament of the irrefutable-for-a-span. Above them all is the horizon where only one stands, though no one stands there yet. It is proof of the new. It is the promise of the wise. Unfold the whole and what you have is a star, which is not my domain, but not entirely outside my judgment. The grand design takes flight; it is transformed not only into a star but a hornet. The center cannot hold. It becomes devoid of lines and points. It becomes devoid of anything and so becomes a receptacle. This is its usefulness at the end. This is its promise."
"Veloth is the center that cannot hold."
"I am the defender of the last and the last. To remove me is to refill the heart that lay dormant at the center that cannot hold."
"Ours is the duty to keep the compromise from being filled with black sea."
What strikes me is the collapse of the center, turning it into a "receptacle." When reading it, I imagine a funnel that ends at "the heart that lay dormant," which I would guess would be the Heart of Lorkhan. But what would it funnel? What would it refill the heart with? Is it only the unqualified leaps of a sleepless mind that's making it seem like it could be funneling the world into the receptacle that refills the heart? As in land falling? Landfall, at it's most literal? Just wondering if there could be any connection, or if I'm just reading so far in that I'm sticking out the left side of it. Thanks.