Five bucks says you would be very upset if Skyrim had the graphics of Arena. What you say also doesn't reflect exactly what you or, more likely, many others think. How can one proportionally measure graphical mediocrity to gameplay mediocrity to begin with? Do you fail to take into consideration how graphical technology seems to directly correlate to scripting, game mechanics, animation (picture Skyrim with the animations of Arena; Does that not detract from sound?), and sound technology? Why do you treat gameplay and graphics as if they were a mutually exclusive, either or affair? Why are you playing video games at all if, by what I'm assuming, you're not even going to put up a fight in defense of keeping decent graphics?
I will not play a game that svcks, but has good graphics. I do and will play a game with poor/dated graphics and good gameplay. That's all that needs to be said.