For those that don't know,Nehrim is a Total Conversion for Oblivion. It contains a completely new, hand-built world, numerous quests, many exciting dungeons, new weapons, armors, items and spells, full German voice acting, a new soundtrack and much more.Here's a thread that discusses the mod and how to use it: and the developer's website:
Among the many parts of Nehrim that are very similar to TES there are many changes made. While I thoroughly enjoy the TES games I wonder if experiencing the changes in Nehrim should give the Skyrim developers reason to consider being influenced by the mod.
I realize that some of the changes have been promised in Skyrim (Ex: Broken up game world, less leveled list work.), but I'm keeping them as 'differences' all the same. Some of the changes I like, some I do not. I am not espousing any of the changes, merely asking for feedback on whether you'd like to see any of them influence Skyrim. While I realize that you do not need to play the game to have an opinion about a feature of it, I am unable to provide the full experience of a feature in the one sentence long description of it. I would recommend playing Nehrim before voicing your opinion too strongly, but feel free to do so all the same.
If you think of any other design differences that should be in the poll let me know. Thanks for participating.