(he's a link to the trailer so you can follow my thoughts)
Right the first point I want to make is at 0:35 seconds in where he runs towards the cliff and comes to a really quick stand still, I was wondering if that is actual gameplay, maybe he's running then pulls back the left anologue stick and looks down at the same time?? Just something to think about because that would be really awesome.
One little worry I spotted is just before the dragon shout, the dragon breathes fire at you, and you just stand back up and basically shout at him saying go to your room!! and if fire is a dragons main weapon, there a bit easy aren't they??
The third thought is the dragon shout at 1:08. I do think they are a bit cheesey, been able to shout at a dragon, but I'm fine with it, but do you think them blue waves that appear after the shouts will actually appear in game??
The next few clips with all the scenery are pretty good I think, you see some great architecture, a few animals and people wondering about, it looks like they is a lot of life about in Skyrim.
Sothing I spotted that I really didn't like was at 1:35 when he spins around and lashing out at a what it looks like to be a bandit. That action seems to fixed, I want to be able to build up a lunge and spin around myself, maybe I'm asking for to much, tell me what you think.
The next shot after that where he punches the ground creating a area fire spell killing lot's of undead around him, I like the idea of blowing them back around you and maybe killing a few, but I don't want to punch the ground to be fair, it would hurt haha. Also the punching action seems a bit fast, I would like to see a human punch the ground from a stood straight position that fast.
The next thing is when the wolf is running towards him at 1:40. To be honest, where the hell is that wolf going, it looks like he's running towards then away then towards again, and it's running way to slow like he's going for a little jog. I want the wolf to full on sprint towards me, maybe does a little circle around me, but I want it to be looking straight into my eyes at all times and see the fear in them as he fights for his life.
Something I did like is at 1:42 when he's doing a planting a mine spell in the middle of some skeletons, you here them speak, and I'll tell you something, I wouldn't like to be in a dark cave then hear that behind me. Well I would because it would be so freaky, and I wouldn't because it would give me a huge shiver down my spine.
1:44 Nirnroot ^.^ and also the man that your finishing off has no facial expression, HE'S GOT A KNIFE IN HIM?!?!?!?
A few seconds later when he hits the giant spider back with a mace, I saw on a thread in this forum somewhere that it;s going back to the Oblivion glitches with them sort of just sliding back with no leg movement, to me it looks like its getting scared and backing off a bit like in LOTR return of the king with Shelob and that star scaring it off.
For your health I'll stop there. The game looks great so far, no pressure Bethesda but I've been waiting for this game since the day I saw Akatosh kill Mehrunes Dagon which was just after I bought the game thanks to paintbrushes ^.^ (Don't repeat that Bethesda)
One last thing, does anyone know when the next gameplay video or trailer will be out of Skyrim?
Thanks for reading, please share your thoughts on my thoughts