Lockpicking involves picking locks

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:06 am

I much preferred Fallout 3's lockpicking to Oblivion's. I never did get the hang of picking in OB - always used the 'auto-try' option. Fallout 3's was easy to get the hang of, though.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:12 am

I'd prefer a system like in the Thief games, and the worse your lockpicking skill the smaller the sweet spots.

I loved the Thief system. That really made it a challenge, especially when there were harder locks to pick. Yeah that would be awesome.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:01 am

another vote for thief 3. id settle for two worlds 2 or fallout 3 though. oblivions svcked and morrowind was just a reload fest.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:14 am

I actually see no problem with being able to do this with all locks. Bashing = loud and noticable, so thieves would still rely on lockpicking, and higher level locks would require a higher level strength. Or whatever alternative we have with the attribute cuts.

yeah your right. I just liked the idea of having to use lockpicking in certain dungeons and stuff (where not being noticed isn't a problem). I guess it makes sense that you could bash open any lock though if you WERE strong enough...

This sense of realism opens other prospects as well....

-you find a chest in a cave... why can't you drag the chest with havok physics? Throwing a chest off a cliff onto a hard rock floor could break open the chest's lock.

-Actually putting the physical items in containers would be cool too. In addition to being able to select the items from a menu, the similar items are neatly stacked in the container. and bashing open a chest, throwing it off a cliff, or just opening it would show the items inside.

-When it first opens, the standard item menu opens up, and you take the items you want. If you bash open the lock, the chest/container might not be able to close all the way, leading people to notice somebody broke in. Lockpicking however, would allow you to close the chest securely.

-throwing it off a cliff, could just bust it open, and you need to get down there and pick up the items.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:56 pm

Not like Oblivion one, it was to simple and depend on player skills it was really easy I can picking locks of all difficulties without leveling of security almost without loss of lockpics
until I install
Blind Lockpicking with Graphical Addition & Modmans Lock Dif
What hide lock mechanism out player view so need actually hear clicks in locks and make leveling of security actually useful

Awesome if devs will return Traps and lock bashing also,
and picking locks will be in realtime not in menu mode.
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neil slattery
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