» Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:54 pm
I'd say it doesn't even need to be a toggle, it could just automatically activate when in dark places, and deactivate in brighter lighting, though if it's like that, it needs to just brighten the screen, not have any sort of nightvision filter like Oblivion's nighteye (Assuming nighteye is like that in Skyrim, if nighteye already just brightens the screen, having it just work the same way would be fine.), because if you don't get any choice in having an ugly filter applied to your screen whenever you enter dark places, then I'm not playing Khajiit until someone makes a mod to remove that.
Although having it be toggled would be fine too, it makes no sense for it to to just be a spell, since it's not like all Khajiit are born with the ability to cast a nighteye spell, it's obviously supposed to represent their eyes adjusting to the darkness. It was just easier for Bethesda to do it as a generic nighteye spell.