Skyrim mods........For consoles?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:18 pm

Unreal tournament did it and it worked pretty well, it would obviously be more complicated for skyrim but a lot of the simpler mods could work
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:37 am

Not trying to start a consoles war,...... but the fact of the matter is that it is nearly true,........... most websites that talk about pc verses consoles will admit that the pc is in decline in a big way when it comes to being the focus for game designers because most people with pc's do not or cannot (in their mindset anyway) keep up with hardware upgrades and try to use pc mainly for like facebook/yearbook/porm and work/school/music/movies related applications and less for your average videogame, the one area this does not apply to is the mmo gamer, this is also true in my home, I will use the pc for mmo games (swg/conan/lotr/ect,...) and my xbox for other games, my ps3 which I hate as a game system btw is used for watching blueray movies and getting netfliks on my big screen in the living room, I will not allow my precious xbox360 be used by the average caveman living in my house,... also every1 wants to use the pc for whatever silly reason so it would be near impossible to get time to play on my pc if I did use it for video games,.... and most homes still dont have multiples of pc in them no matter what the stats say ( statistics say most homes have like 2-3 pc in them this is a gross overstatement from them mainly polling the very rich evidently)

Pirating is what is hurting the pc, check out very imformative article on pc pirating, it changed my view of the situation. Its very indepth and informative, but clearly pirating is hurting pc game development in a big way.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:45 am

I recall reading somewere that Fallout NV sold less than(or was it around?) 20% of total sales. Pete also agreed with Todd about the numbers.

@Enossirq, Look at current multi platform games for the best indicators, using OB is silly regardless of whather its part of the series or not. Back then there was no PS3 release. So of course OB would have a higher %. And the 360 install base was much less than what it is now, there is no point bringing up OB too much has changed.

FNV wound be the closest we are going to get to the open world rpg crowd that likes Beth games(like me), then you can look at other multiplatform rpgs,etc

FO3 and Oblivion, Bethesda's last two developed games, are each well above the 10% mark for sales. Probably 20-30% when you include Digital.

Anything else is irrelevant.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:48 pm

Its unbelievable the amount of BS you have -> as I already pointed out MODS ALREADY WORK ON THE CONSOLES hell I have a custom altered MMM, Quarls Textures, My own Akatosh Mount and about 50 other mods running right now on my PS3 Oblivion and they run without a SINGLE ISSUE -> what part of this is difficult for you to understand ?!? Mods already work with very little effort to get them to work its like I already said you need an IQ above r3tarded to get them working which seems lacking around here...

I could say things like that and say thats whats going on; BUT what would be convincing is video proof. I'm calling epic BS on quarls since the mods are made for the pc version which is coded entirely differently and uses DX9 not OpenGL 2.0 tell me how your magically able to do that? Also were do you find the vram for quarls texture pack. Also were did you install a mod manager to manage mod conflicts. Honestly all one needs is one mod with to much stuff in one cell and system failure.

Heh?!?, what part of they both use the same files is hard for you to understand, the only people losing out would be the consolers would not be able to use any mods that require a 3rd part tool like the XXSE's other then that there is no difference.
And the modders who make those mods since they will get downvoted, also there will be far far less of those mods expecially if modders start getting money intensives to sale mods on the consoles, IF THAT happens quality will drop by extremes.

The consoles lack the required runtimes/dll's for the CK to run it has nothing to do with being lazy, it just will not work period.
And they lack the required Ram and GPU/cpu power as well, primarily vram.

Again mods would be DLed from a Beth run site not going through PSN or MS so it would not matter a damn what PSN/MS want as it would cost them zero bandwidth.

This would have to at some point go through XBOXlive/psn and if it doesnt thats a HUGE security loophole.

And trying to barter with Beth give me something and you can give my PC mods to consolers is not going to work because you have NOTHING to bargain with as the CK/Modding Tools are not yours to trade as the ability to mod their games is fully in their hands and they will do with it as they like.

For legal reasons i do believe Bethesda cannot sell modders works without there permission, I'm not bartering I'm pointing out that if bethesda profits from PC modders doing a good amount of hard work they should therefore reward the PC community with DX11 shaders.

Quarls texture pack on PS3...lawl you funny also thats a load.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:28 am

Not trying to start a consoles war,...... but the fact of the matter is that it is nearly true,........... most websites that talk about pc verses consoles will admit that the pc is in decline in a big way when it comes to being the focus for game designers because most people with pc's do not or cannot (in their mindset anyway) keep up with hardware upgrades and try to use pc mainly for like facebook/yearbook/porm and work/school/music/movies related applications and less for your average videogame, the one area this does not apply to is the mmo gamer, this is also true in my home, I will use the pc for mmo games (swg/conan/lotr/ect,...) and my xbox for other games, my ps3 which I hate as a game system btw is used for watching blueray movies and getting netfliks on my big screen in the living room, I will not allow my precious xbox360 be used by the average caveman living in my house,... also every1 wants to use the pc for whatever silly reason so it would be near impossible to get time to play on my pc if I did use it for video games,.... and most homes still dont have multiples of pc in them no matter what the stats say ( statistics say most homes have like 2-3 pc in them this is a gross overstatement from them mainly polling the very rich evidently)

Exclusives of 2011; not including over 9000 indie games on the PC, or kinect/move shovelware, full retail only (+40)

360: Forza motorsports 4, Gears of war 3, Gun Loco

Ps3: infamous 2, Killzone 3, The last guardian, little big planet 2, motorstorm apocalypse, resistance 3, socom 4, Trinity, twisted metal, vitua 4 tennis, uncharted 3, yakuza 4, ratchet and clank all 4 one.

Wii: conduit 2, zelda, lost in shadow, mario sports mix, the last story, xenoblade

PC: diablo 3, guild wars 2, shogun 2, the witcher 2, SWTOR, Heroes might and magic VI, Dota 2, Tropica 4, end of nations, black mirror 3, sims medieval, darkspore, xenonauts (strategic planetary defense simulator), A Game of Thrones: genesis, Sword of the stars, stronghold 3, Microsoft Flight, Firefall, Tera, red orchestra 2, natural selection 2, Planetside next

Ps3 leads the consoles, pc leads in general.
WORLDWIDE pc gaming generates far far far far far far far more money than combined consoles >>looks at mmo sub fee's. Also a trend is starting were developers are attaching huge features to the PC version of a title the main example being BF3, lesser examples like Dues ex HR exist as well.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:10 am

FO3 and Oblivion, Bethesda's last two developed games, are each well above the 10% mark for sales. Probably 20-30% when you include Digital.

Anything else is irrelevant.

Sorry OB is not relevent to the discussion. It was only release for PC and 360, that right there makes it not relevent. 2nd it was released in 2006, 5 years ago the install base for the current console was much smaller. Of course pc sale % would be higher. I don't understand how you can overlook these things. FO3 on the other hand is relevant because it was release for all 3 systems, and the system were no longer new and had a wider install base. FNV on the other hand is even more relevant though as it was the most recent open world rpg released by Beth(yes I know Obsidian did the dev work, but FNV has so much in common with FO3 its basically a Beth/Obsidian co production).
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:57 am


I understand what you are saying and fully agree, but would this not require a JTAG atm? I'm not sure if you are talking about PS3 or Xbox though.
What tools are you using to do this (link)? I am intrigued. I searched XXSE but came up nada. I just want to get an insight of what you are talking
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:53 pm

Sorry OB is not relevent to the discussion. It was only release for PC and 360, that right there makes it not relevent. 2nd it was released in 2006, 5 years ago the install base for the current console was much smaller. Of course pc sale % would be higher. I don't understand how you can overlook these things. FO3 on the other hand is relevant because it was release for all 3 systems, and the system were no longer new and had a wider install base. FNV on the other hand is even more relevant though as it was the most recent open world rpg released by Beth(yes I know Obsidian did the dev work, but FNV has so much in common with FO3 its basically a Beth/Obsidian co production).

All I'm saying is FO3 is likely well above 20% of sales (12% Boxed, likely double in Digital)...still making Todd's 90% figure very wrong even while being conservative on my end.

There is a possibility he is only looking at Boxed sales only, which would explain why he is wrong.

Simply put, his figures are wrong at no matter what Bethesda developed game you look at, Fallout or TES.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:22 am

Your also going by a 2006 title the more recent Fallouts would be a much better indicator.

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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:47 pm

Old news.

It won't happen for initial release, but they may work it in later on.

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:13 am

Yeah, this went about as well as the other ones. Let's close this discussion.
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Rachell Katherine
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