This is basically a repository of all the other posts on features, no internal re-posts, no speculation, only a compilation of confirmed features new to TES series.
If anyone comes up with new or contradicting information, feel free to PM me or post it.
I think you could add some
new info to this thread (couldn't find it in your list):
+There are different jail-types (probably according to the kind of crime you commited ?) in Skyrim ... and they (the Devs) spent a lot of time on the crime-system, which Todd calls "really nice". :hubbahubba: (from Todd Howard in the new - Sounds not bad, does it ?
and for the Interface-section:
+the icon which shows whether your seen by an enemy or not, will be similar to the Oblivion-system = an eye in the centre of the screen in different colours. (from http://