i took fjol as a example. first i included a new topic in the greeting 5 that is unique (stealing my title), it's conditions are: being telvanni, magister and got the journal ht_archmagister 10.
then i go to topic "stealing my title" conditions same as above for the greeting. i put in two choices: fight and don't fight.
the fight and don't fight dialogues have the right function choice each, i checked it. fight is set combat 100, start combat and goodbye, no fight is set journal index "made a new quest stage for being archmagister", pcraiserank "telvanni" and goodbye.
when i play now the greeting is the right one and the title of the topic is blue. it is shown in gothrens topic and when i click it, the dialogue appears, reveiiling both choices. but no matter which one i choose, i always end up choosing again, the dialogue repeats itself over and over agein, no matter which of the both choices i take.
so: where is my mistake? which button i forgot to check? i compared my dialogue with fjols and ranis athrys ones but i just don't get it.
thanks in advance