Can we please be more positive about a game we are all looki

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:04 am

Anyone else going to love whatever Beth gives them on 11.11 like me?

Unquestionably :foodndrink:
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:43 am

Anyone else going to love whatever Beth gives them on 11.11 like me?

Come, come all. Lets drink the funny tasting kool-aid. We are in Jonestown now and we like what the leader says. :whistling:

Sorry, had to get this anology in.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:37 am

I honestly think it is too late to complain about anything in the game. It is probably too far into development to change many things.
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james tait
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:56 am

Im saying if topics in any game forum is jsut to be sprouted with love? Its good to have ranting no matter how many people start saying 'The internet is awful for voicing opinions"

Besides in most game forums like this one theres a balance of the love and hate so theres nothing wrong with rant topics

Also how are we supposed to wait and see how perks are like. We saw it in FO3 and to me they definetly should not replace attributes.

Perks are defeintly not challenge= appeal to casual players
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:08 am

Wow, I'm amazed at all the people who get overly worked up about everything. They say their opinions shouldn't be censored, but god-forbid I should express an opposing view point. I must be a mindless Bethesda follower, since I'm not complaining about the game every chance I get. Talk about over-exaggeration. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't forget how awful sarcasm is....
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:02 am

Wow, I'm amazed at all the people who get overly worked up about everything. They say their opinions shouldn't be censored, but god-forbid I should express an opposing view point. I must be a mindless Bethesda follower, since I'm not complaining about the game every chance I get. Talk about over-exaggeration. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't forget how awful sarcasm is....

The main problem with people is: They have opinions :ph34r:
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:06 pm

The main problem with people is: They have opinions :ph34r:

Yes, so we should all be brainwashed... :P

But seriously, i can't tell you how many times I've been jumped on for sarcastic remarks and trying to get people to simmer down a little. I try to be friendly and open to all, but apparently not everybody gets it... Have a sense of humor people! I come in peace! :frog: (I couldn't find an alien, so I used a frog...)
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k a t e
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:49 am

well i havent been comparing skyrims graphics to those of games from different genres. or been complaining about hair or water. because i realise the games likely not even in its beta stages. so id say im being positive.:shrug:
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:01 am

Yes, so we should all be brainwashed... :P

But seriously, i can't tell you how many times I've been jumped on for sarcastic remarks and trying to get people to simmer down a little. I try to be friendly and open to all, but apparently not everybody gets it... Have a sense of humor people! I come in peace! :frog: (I couldn't find an alien, so I used a frog...)

I honestly couldnt tell you what makes people act the way they do ive been trying to figure this out for 19 years.
I do think the way people are acting the way they are acting on the Skyrim section is because everyone wants to get their 2 cents worth of trying to get there ideas to the devs when the game is already done. There should be more action on the Elder Scrolls Series Forum on that subject.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:49 am

Not until I see some...
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des lynam
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:43 am

My finger is twitching over the lock button... but I am willing to let you all try to continue talking "around" Skyrim, sort of discussing how the internet has changed how people communicate their likes and dislikes, relative to the run up to this game release.

My .02? It's the internet, there's a veritable flood of information - for people to get over-hyped about, or to get over-negative about. Me, I have confidence in my own opinions and experiences, and ability to actually interpret and think critically about what I read and see. (Note -thinking critically is not that same as being critical.) I save my money for the games that interest me. Sometimes I am disappointed, ever very much so (yeah, I am glaring at you DA2, you svcked.) Sometimes I am pretty happy, the game entertained me for enough time, or had enough fun qualities, that I feel I got my money's worth, and sometimes, I am hugely, happily surprised and become engrossed in a game, replay it, talk about it, join a forum about it.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:52 pm

This is a nice version of my last thread.Can we all be a bit more positive about the release of Skyrim. Recently the only threads, seem to be new info :) or arguments about attributes :( . I know people may have doubts about attributes, but we need to see how perks work in game before we make judgement. I think we should place our trust in a company that makes great games that nearly always achieve GOTY. Could we please try and be a little more positive about a game we are all looking forward to?

EDIT*Look i'm not saying no argument or confrontation is good, i'm trying to say 50 threads on the same argument gets pretty boring.

Can one of the mods please lock this thread?
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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:43 am

Okay... I might as well lob my two cents in here, as long as Leydenne hasn't yet locked it (and by the bye, that ignore feature is a fine thing indeed - you were right as always :D)

I've criticized some of the things Beth has chosen to do with this game fairly heavily - to the point that I get (as others have gotten and will get) "Well why don't you just stop playing TES games if you hate them so much?"

I don't bother to even comment on games that I hate. The only ones that are even worth commenting on are the ones I love, and particularly when the ones I love could have been so much better. That's what really fires me up - it's akin to looking across a beautiful lawn and seeing a weed growing up in the middle of it. If the whole thing is a weed-infested vacant lot, then who cares? It's only when that weed is a glaring exception that it matters.

When I first played Oblivion, I made it as far as the Unfriendly Competition quest (the first quest I did) and discovered that an omniscient journal had taken the place of in-game information and a magic GPS unit had taken the place of directions, and turned it off in disgust. Just started walking across the lawn and BAM - already - weeds.

When I finally tried again (actually a third time, but I won't bother detailing the part that made me turn it off in disgust again the second time I played it), and finally managed to ignore the weeds, I found that the rest of the lawn was actually quite nice. Since then, I've put well over 1,000 hours into the game, spread over a couple of dozen different characters. Right before I came here, I was following along with a new character who's just left Chorrol, heading back to the IC. I sincerely love the game.

But that doesn't mean that the weeds just vanished. They're still there. I've learned to mostly ignore them, but they're still there. And you know? My opinion is that I shouldn't have to learn to ignore them. They really shouldn't be there in the first place.

So when I see something that looks like Beth planting a weed in the middle of their lawn, again, I comment on it. Does that mean I hate TES? Of course not. It means that there's really no reason for there to be weeds in the middle of their lawn, and if nothing else, maybe enough people pointing and saying, "Look - a weed!" might make some difference, if not on this game, then on the next one.

Well... that and I just have a lifelong habit of anolyzing things, then foisting my anolyses on other people, which habit the internet has, probably to my detriment, greatly encouraged......
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:06 am


What? Yes, thats right I said "No".


I honestly can't see how threads like these promote any type of good discussion. 99% of it will be trolling or :flamethrower: flamebaiting. The other 1% (whom I would consider myself in) simply have a differing opinion and then get flamed by the other 99%.

So you see, this is a really bad thread, because it is one person blatantly saying another is wrong, and then trying to make them feel bad about how their mind works because it is inferior to the OP. Whether or not that was the intended message, that is how it ALWAYS comes across.

So in short, I respect your opinion and I am glad you have one, but I disagree.
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Rex Help
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:30 am


What? Yes, thats right I said "No".


I honestly can't see how threads like these promote any type of good discussion. 99% of it will be trolling or :flamethrower: flamebaiting. The other 1% (whom I would consider myself in) simply have a differing opinion and then get flamed by the other 99%.

So you see, this is a really bad thread, because it is one person blatantly saying another is wrong, and then trying to make them feel bad about how their mind works because it is inferior to the OP. Whether or not that was the intended message, that is how it ALWAYS comes across.

So in short, I respect your opinion and I am glad you have one, but I disagree.

Yes, thank you. By all means, lock this thread. It is pointless. (and no, this is one of those instances where I am not using sarcasm). Please lock this thread.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:43 am

Just for future points if you want to lock a thread go to the original OP and click report in the left hand corner, then state it needs locking. I will do it.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:34 am

People criticize the game because they care for it.People jump on "whiners" as they call it,but those people are trying to tell others about the facts they see that can hurt the game experience,unless they are trolls or flame lovers.But to my observations,such people exist more on the side of "optimists".
It's not like criticizing the game will hurt the devs' feelings and make them create a worse game.If people would be more willing to invoke a community responses that'd reach Bethesda,we'd have a better Oblivion,I'm SURE of it.But all we worry about is the release date,which we may have not known by the time as well.Meh.

Oh well,I may get out as well before I'm jumped on already =/
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:51 am

This is a nice version of my last thread.Can we all be a bit more positive about the release of Skyrim. Recently the only threads, seem to be new info :) or arguments about attributes :( . I know people may have doubts about attributes, but we need to see how perks work in game before we make judgement. I think we should place our trust in a company that makes great games that nearly always achieve GOTY. Could we please try and be a little more positive about a game we are all looking forward to?

EDIT*Look i'm not saying no argument or confrontation is good, i'm trying to say 50 threads on the same argument gets pretty boring.

Im pretty sure there are more people that are looking forward to this game more than people complaining about this game. :celebration:
Heck im pretty sure the people complaining are the people looking forward to it. B)
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u gone see
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:05 pm

People criticize the game because they care for it.People jump on "whiners" as they call it,but those people are trying to tell others about the facts they see that can hurt the game experience,unless they are trolls or flame lovers.But to my observations,such people exist more on the side of "optimists".
It's not like criticizing the game will hurt the devs' feelings and make them create a worse game.If people would be more willing to invoke a community responses that'd reach Bethesda,we'd have a better Oblivion,I'm SURE of it.But all we worry about is the release date,which we may have not known by the time as well.Meh.

Oh well,I may get out as well before I'm jumped on already =/

you're not going to get jumped on, criticism is fine in a small amounts, if it is constructive. 50 threads on the same topic then seeing people saying ''they have taken out attributes, so i'm not buying the game'' thats their opinion and i respect it(although i don't agree with it. I don't believe we should just follow a game company blindly, i'm just saying that a lot of people take the criticism to a level where it isn't criticism but venting anger out needlessly on something we are looking forward to. Then they hide behind the '''criticism''' and just [censored] about everything.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:02 am

This is a nice version of my last thread.Can we all be a bit more positive about the release of Skyrim. Recently the only threads, seem to be new info :) or arguments about attributes :( . I know people may have doubts about attributes, but we need to see how perks work in game before we make judgement. I think we should place our trust in a company that makes great games that nearly always achieve GOTY.
Just because a game makes GOTY, it doesn't mean that it's a game that I like.
Could we please try and be a little more positive about a game we are all looking forward to?
Why? To blindly plod along in one manner leads to groupthink.
EDIT*Look i'm not saying no argument or confrontation is good, i'm trying to say 50 threads on the same argument gets pretty boring.
Then only come to this site once per week.:nod: Also, the same arguments will keep coming up until there's other news about it. Fast Travel is my example. Finally, it's the nature of this forum to make the same basic threads aevery fe days because of the pace at which the threads move, thread post count limits, user laziness, and an ingrained abhorance for this board's search function as it was over the past years. (it's better now)
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:13 am

Just for future points if you want to lock a thread go to the original OP and click report in the left hand corner, then state it needs locking. I will do it.

Since the OP seems to want to have the thread close, I will oblige.

Nice to see quite a few of you who posted after me ignored the moderator post. Kudos. :rolleyes: Guess how spammy and irritating moderators find it when people keep posting snotty little remarks like "lock this thread, moderator." We have a report button. You can use it. If we decide to close a thread, we will. Don't spam up threads with non-comments.
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