Yeah, I know, Skyrim is going to be "more like FO3 than Oblivion !".
So what ? FO3's level scaling was still horrible and prone to terrible metagaming.
New Vegas at least was able to hide its own much better.
Someone did it in a better way, Bethesda, can't you get a hint ? Can't you just take lessons ?
Let's say it again : level scaling is flawed by concept, by nature. It's just counter-productive in its entirety. There is no point in putting leveling, if you're going to counter it by putting level scaling. If you're going to put "partial" level scaling (like, if someone get 2 levels, then level scaling only goes up by 1), then you can do the EXACT same thing by simply halving the speed or power of leveling. No level scaling required whatsoever.
Level scaling is the exact same thing than giving more money to someone and ramping up inflation at the same time. Just diminish the money gain and remove inflation, same result, no stupid and pointless mechanism, much more believability and immersion.
Isn't "immersion" the point of a huge world open to exploration and of a RPG ? Isn't the POINT of leveling to get stronger ?
Why then use an inherently stupid mechanism that bring NOTHING (like said above, power curve can be adjusted to get the same "challenge" result without involving any amount of level scaling) and goes completely opposite to two of the pillars of the game ?
A world has much more personnality when it actually has a life by itself, with logical distributions of population - people and mosnters alike -, logical scales of power and not revolving around the level of the player in absurd's way. Level should affect how other creatures REACT to you, not how they EXIST.
Please Bethesda, understand this. ANY amount of level scaling is bad.
New Vegas was more successful than Fallout 3, and it had much less of it (still some, so still not perfect, but isn't it a sign when the less of something there is, the better it's for the game, invariably ?). Take the hint, and stop the lazyness of level scaling. Make your world unique, a world to explore and discover and enjoy, not some randomized crap where everything feels the same everywhere and reminds the player more of Diablo than a real world...
I completely disagree!
If you have zero level scaling the game becomes a joke after you level up.
The game needs to be able to be playable at early levels, sure you can have tough bosses that you can't defeat at early levels but most "bandits" and enemies you run into you still have a chance at beating or the game is unplayable.
So what would happen is that without any level scaling all other (majority) or creatures and enemies will be so weak against you at level 20 they just die in one swing with a sword or one spell blast.
That is NOT fun, you're not sword fighting anymore, there is no reason for health or blocking at all, simply NO challenge.
The bosses that used to be impossible are just a slight challenge cause you're so strong that you can defeat them all anyways.
Hence play the game for a while and in becomes a cake-walk and loses all meaning.
Therefore some level of scaling is good, not the type that makes all enemies as strong as you but they have to change some.
Let's say you start the game and you're level 1 and you meet the highway bandits and they are level 1-4 and you beat them and yes some challenge and fun, then when you're level 15 they should be raised to be level 10-12 or so.
This way they just don't die and they pose a challenge but you can feel you hit harder and you take less damage.
Ultimately the highway bandit should cap out at lets say level 18 or so and then never rise again, by then you're level 30 or so, so you are MUCH more stronger but at least they don't die by you just looking at them.
Imagine being level 20-30 and many common enemies are really low levels, what's the fun in that?
This is why it is LOGICAL and smart to have some scaling, they should just do it so it feels like you're much more powerful but not overpowered.
Also the scaling of the enemies would differ for what kind they are, how common they are and if they are medium bosses, elite etc.
How stupid would it feel to start the game at level 1 and all enemies are level 15 and you die all the time, you can't progress.
Why level 15 well cause they need to be higher cause you will level up pretty fast in the beginning.
Level scaling is needed for there to be a challenge and fun, just it needs to be well done and have different levels for each enemy until each enemy reaches a cap and then you just keep on leveling anyways.
I know that I want to face a raider in a ruin and actually have a little bit of a fight, where I parry and block and do a riposte with my sword and defeat him, not just schwooosh and he's dead.