No, you're not. You're dumb for thinking that anyone cares even the least about who made which game. That's googlable, no point in arguing. Obsidian made FNV, end of discussion. If I wrote a book and then got a publisher to release that book, they didn't help me write it.
So tell me... which Obsidian game developers are also an employee at Bethesda? You do realise that most game developers work by contract? When they're done making a game, they go to a different company. And they usually choose game companies that share the same philosophies as them and their previous company. That's the way employment works.
In fact, ALL development companies are run by the exact same group of people. We call these people "game designers". Yes, believe it or not, a sports commentator does NOT design games.
One last thing, so basically youre saying EA Sports/ Ea Games also made fallout and are employed by Bethesda? Ha. Thats all i really have to say.
Back on topic
Would just like to remind everyone that this game has been in development for what, 5-6 years? I don't think they sat down on day one and said, "Okay, we don't like attributes, toss 'em."
They probably took a look at how they affected gameplay in Oblivion and Morrowind, did what they could to make them better, and then decided that there was a better way to handle them than the current system. I understand having doubts, but you gotta have a little faith, too. "Bethesda don't make no junk."
^^ i agree.