I dont get why everyone has to just straight up say no. Like its impossible for you guys to have a little fun.You rrrrrrrrrrealllly think hes serious about this?
I don′t care if he′s not serious. I′d hate to see TES filled with celebrities that get smeared all over your face in games. It′s okay occasionally like it was done for example with Indiana Jones and Pikatchu in Morrowind but best would have been to have none.
Companies should do what they do well and target the audience they have built up over the years. Most of those I know who like TES like it for its depth, yes there is general silliness all around us in TES but it usually is within the game world and fits. When it becomes something like the WoW celebrities where you have "mo-hawk grenades" then it′s gone too far.
Why are people taking this pole seriously it was obviously going for the laughs, loosen up people

Because when you care about something that comes about once every 5 years you don′t want to see it go bad during an attempt to increase sales.
It makes me think of Heroes of Might and Magic, 3DO went under and Ubisoft bought the right, they changed the formula to make the games function more like the Warcraft games and included factors of luck over strategy. In the end they made the worst Heroes of Might and magic game there has ever been, number 5 was the absolute worst and the only one I do not enjoy playing. If Skyrim was filled with immersion breaking factors such as celebrities on every corner I′d be really disappointed.