I was looking at the difference between you shots and decided that when you pulled out fraps it made all your NPC's disappear

BTW loved your That was majestic - haven't seen anything like it since Vality went away
You are absolutely correct, Fraps killed my NPC's.

Thanks for the compliment, I just tried to emulate photos and screenshots that I have seen and enjoyed, Vality's screens being among them.

The wing mesh itself is by AOF
I didn't even notice when I checked the screenshot. ^_^ That texture is far better then the one that was on them.

I'm using that Balmora in flames shot as a wallpaper, but I wonder if you have a version of it without the borders? Thanks
Sure, I can save a copy without the border. I will update this post in a bit.
Edit: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/AnOldFriend/BalmoraInFlamesNB.png