So, I'm making this thread to let all the year 9, 10 and 11's that if they are planning to reap Skyrim for a full weekend without any sleep, i have some bad news.
I asked my brother to ask his math teacher when the next exam is, the second maths test is the 14th November 2011. I'll be laughing at him all weekend while I'm beating over it while he is revising.
Wow, im glad my exams were over 13 years ago! I'm an electrician now, and might be sent to Kandahar air base in Afghanistan doing some testing in three weeks time for 6 months. That means not back till December!!!!!! AAAhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should have done the linear test then shouldnt you, you finish it in a month or so then do statistics which only takes till june so no november test wahey :disguise:
Yeah... Considering I am 15 and play it.... btw we don't know if it will be 18+ yet
i didnt say people would be able to get their parents to buy it, i played plenty of 18 games whne i was under 18, but you wont be able to buy it, and will your parents buy it for you if you have exams coming up?