Will Bethesda release the Construction Set for the Skyrim?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:57 pm

They even said it was possible this time to release the CS onto consoles but that decision will lie in the hands of Microsoft and Sony. :sadvaultboy:

No, they didn't. The Creation Kit can not run on a console; it requires other programs that require a computer to run.

They said they were looking at the possibility of having mods on the consoles. Mods built on a pc. Whether player-made content gets onto the consoles will be up to Sony and Microsoft.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:05 pm

No, they didn't. The Creation Kit can not run on a console; it requires other programs that require a computer to run.

They said they were looking at the possibility of having mods on the consoles. Mods built on a pc. Whether player-made content gets onto the consoles will be up to Sony and Microsoft.

The Creation Kit on console wouldn't be any good anyway... Think about it, trying to create a big world using the controllers.. blagh ^^

And, when it's up to MS and Sony to get mods on the consoles, either it won't happen, or they'll implement some "Pay to download free mods"-system :P
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:52 pm

Actually, it is not such a bad idea to allow mods to be downloaded through the consoles. It will require a mod to be well-done and non-conflicting. There are no tools like wrye bash, tes4edit, etc. And, of course, the mod will be lore-friendly, i.e. no naked pink anime princess hero of Tamriel! There are also 2 weeks approval procedures by Sony and Microsoft for every item they distribute. It is like an automatic place in the Hall-of-Fame.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:08 am

Yep they will have a construction set that has been slightly updated for the new game engine. :)
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:20 am

It was already confirmed that it ships with the game, and will be available the instant that you place your CD in your computer. Not sure how quickly it will be on steam however, so if you do a degital download, I dunno. They will put it up on their website though, no doubt.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:18 am

I told everyone to bookmark this link.

Official (or as official as it gets before 11.11.11) confirmation of Creation Engine: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1160177-creation-engine-and-kit/page__view__findpost__p__17019742
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:30 pm

Or it will adopt the latest (rotten?) BioWare policy to keep the CS and release small armor packs for additional dimes? What are the latest news? Just curious.

Unlike BioWare who is no longer in control of there own games "EA Shareholders" Bethesda always supported the modding community, Its part of the reason there games are so great. another thing is there a privately owned company unlike others in the gaming industry which put profit to there shareholders above quality, look at the recent garbage of games that have been put out by companies like: Dragon Age 2 owned by EA and Homefront owned by THQ. I have full faith that Bethesda will keep making the games that we expect of them this includes construction sets that come with them.

But that is enough Bashing EA and THQ today. I know i forgot Activision and there whole screw over infinity ward. but that's what happens when people only care about the bottom line by executives who are completely incompetent when managing there companies.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:25 pm

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:51 am

I'm sure they will. Bethesda has always been supporters of the modding community. I have high hopes for the new construction set.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:59 pm

As has been pointed out, Bethesda is their own publisher. Bioware is beholden to EA, I'd imagine that'd influence things a fair bit.

You can't blame EA for DA2. Nearly everything wrong with DA2 is primarily the lead developer Mike Laidlaw's fault. He made the calls for everything in DA2 including the early release date and game features and has stood by all his (bad) decisions in interviews.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:55 pm

You can't blame EA for DA2. Nearly everything wrong with DA2 is primarily the lead developer Mike Laidlaw's fault. He made the calls for everything in DA2 including the early release date and game features and has stood by all his (bad) decisions in interviews.

You would have to clarify how a developer tells the publisher when something would be released. The publisher decides the schedule. Not to mention that Zur said that it was EA that wanted the game out quickly to cash in on DA:Origins popularity. Laidlaw has defended all the decisions, but considering who he's employed by, he isn't going to trash the game. The decisions were probably jointly made. They didn't turn out the way EA hoped, I think.
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