To begin, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has posted here. I have always dreamed of creating the perfect video game ( from the time I broke the bank on line numbers on my old Atari 800xl! ) and reading all our input over the last few months ( in this forum ) has blown my mind. I never dreamed that were so many people that want the intelligent, immersive, detailed, rich and varied experiences that modern computers have the potential of offering. Every post on this forum has something to say about what all of us want to do in our lives ( virtual or otherwise ) and more importantly for a video-game, what we do in our imaginations! Bethesda will never be able to meet all of our expectations but so what!? The level of graphical, social, and ecological realism that will be presented to us on 11.11.11. will be astounding. But, ultimately for some of us.. not good enough yet! Do not despair! I firmly believe that with the inclusion of the Creation Kit and if we take some time everyday to learn the mechanics of this, we will have one of the greatest creative tools ever offered to the public in the history of mankind! Want a simple mod? make it yourself! Lets be a fearless with our exploitation of this world simulating tool, as Bethesda was when they said " Let's let the public make their own mods! " I believe that I am correct when I say that Bethesda will provide us with a set of tools that will allow our imaginations to be brought to life, and even better, flourish. Everyone, keep posting your ideas no matter how small! and a better idea, pick up some small 3d mesh making skills ( learn-able in a few days ) and I say start the modding now!! The chicken wire meshes are gonna translate no matter what! Let's blow ourselves away!