Okay. I'll start with Oblivion diseases and translate those first then?
Well Oblivion has most flawed implementation of diseases from all of three games, anyway OK
I better prefer if diseases will be more like in Daggerfall (incubation time, deadly loss of attributes, require service temple healer who want gold, or medic skills of character to diagnose) with different levels of like in Morrowind Common, Blight, Corprus which can be transformed into lesser common diseases thats can be treated with lesser cure diseases potion or lesser Cure diseases spell or resisted,
powerful ones thats cripple actor and what need special treatment more powerful cure potion or more magnificent Cure diseases spell or resisted only with powerful enough resists,
deadly ones what can bring dead to PC if not cured during some days of incubation and need specially powerful treatment.
Medical Skill can be replaced with skills in Restoration school and player will not see their names in effect screen until have enough skills in Restoration.
So diseases will actually something fearsome not just few red numbers in stat screen, and player will take then in account.
Proper work of attribute system can help much, or Devs must found equal replacement, but don't axe diseases if cannot find way to do thats, diseases one of classical features of TES they must stay in game.
Ataxia: Reduced carrying capacity and damage, reduced maximum StaminaHow you describe reduced carrying capacity by adding burden? thats OK
but what about reduced damage you use hidden variable thats previously represent Strength?
so it need additional spell effect or you will use script effect to bring it into calculation?
Bone Break Fever: From the sound of the name, increased incoming damage sounds rightSo Weakness to Normal Weapons you mean?
Brain Rot: Why did this ever drain Strength? Have it reduce damage if you want it to stay the same, or reduced maximum Magicka to make more senseThats can be Bone marrow
Brown Rot: Reduced carrying capacity, reduced dispositionWell disposition is value of NPC not of PC and its based on many factors and not just plain value what you can easy modify, so you want again add hidden variable thats left from Personality Attribute into account, or want add scripted effect what will bring such variable into calculation
Cannibal's Prion: Greatly reduced maximum Magicka and StaminaWell doesn't thats strange thats devour soul will replenish our magical reserves while, devour flesh drops our abilities in magic, Aztec believes who eat heart of enemy will receive his powers, Bosmers consume bodies of of dead also, Intelligence before increase magical reserves but don't decrease them until game is not moded to do thats, work of decreased Intelligence can affect other skills not magical one if devs make attributes in proper way.
Reduced maximum of fatigue as replacement for Agility will work if archery will depend of fatigue in more significant way like certain bows will burn more fatigue for draw, time in slowed time state will depend on fatigue, etc, but don't forget if attributes was implemented in proper way there can be more factors thats depend on agility but logically don't need high stamina
Chanthrax Blight: Reduced run speedAgain you bring modifer for calculated value not for plain value, what can be operated in easy way, you use hidden variable thats previously represent Speed,
so it need additional spell effect or you will use script effect to bring it into calculation?
Besides Speed Attribute can work as governing attribute for fast weapons, I don't think daggers and rapiers depend on Strength like great sword and axes, adding attributes into perk calculation for critical strike for short swords (agility), disarm for long blades (speed), armor durability damage for blunt(Strength), so speed attribute implemented in proper way not like before by devs, but more like in mods and other RPG systems, can affect not only speed of movement.
Chills: Reduced maximum Magicka and magicka regenerationReduced magicka regeneration, hidden ghost of Willpower again disturb you, again how you bring it into calculation?
And yes, Willpower can affect more then just magicka regeneration if implemented well, not like before.
And you forget add fatigue or again some hidden ghost of attributes into calculation since Chills has Drain Agility 10pts
Collywobbles: Reduced maximum Health, Stamina, and run speed ad nauseam...Reduced health, can it bring death to PC when he have low value of health and catch diseases, thats looks interesting I must say,
reduced run speed as ghost of Speed attribute again comes into calculation.
Want me to go on? I can go on.
Yes please, at last your post will be memorable as example thats diseases can be in game even without attributes, when at next time Todd will say thats diseases was axed because was superfluous or redundant or was too fearsome for newcomers as Birthsigns was.
Understood me I'm not fanatic of attribute system, I just need to know thats devs will found equal replacement for all variability what can provide improved attributes system, I understood why they change attribute system system but I don't understood completely axing of it since too much depend on it in game and in modding,
I don't like how they make streamline of TES by axing flawed features while sometimes better fix them to greater variability of possibilities.
Another example spellmaking on this forums one half of members want unique spectacular spells, another half variability of classical spellmaking in game,
devs have few ways to implement spells make completely hardcoded unique spells and remove spell making, since Devs want make spells more magical and more balanced thats is very likely will be, or left spellmaking in classical way what will not to be done I'm sure,
I want use their unique magic system in CS for creating even more number of unique spells thats then can be added by mods, system must be opened for modding even if it cannot be reached from in game.