NO i say this every time i see a thread like this keep FO out of TES
I dont understand these comments, what are you guys freaking out about. You do realize that as things stand now, FO & TES are similar in everything except lore and setting. FO & TES will be molesting each other for the good of both series for the conceivable future. Experiments and ideas tried out in FO will be introduced to TES and visa versa. Beth will try to fix problems with FO with new mechanics in TES and visa versa. FO is DEEP INSIDE your TES. Its ok. We will already see the effects of what they learned in FO3 introduced to Skyrim, just as FO3 had certain mechanics as a response to problems with Oblivion.
All this doesnt even take into account, the bonus of Beth staff getting to play in 2 worlds instead on just one. Being allowed to take a break from one world and flesh out another. Makes for a less jaded and bored production studio. On multiple occasions Ive heard Howard make a similar claim, being happy to work outside of their baby(tes) for a couple of years, which eventually leads to excitement to work again on TES when they are done with FO.
Topic: as others mentioned, a new dragon shout will already have a slow time effect.... MMMMmmm all this game series on game series molesting is getting hot. LOL