All this back-and-forth about increasing speed is an interesting counterpoint to the thread awhile back (one of the "TES needs more realism/immersion" threads) where a bunch of people were complaining that it was "unrealistic" how fast you could run in Oblivion, and that people shouldn't be able to go so fast, and that any running should drain your stamina, so that you couldn't run all the time.
Eh... I think there should definitely be limits on movement speed, but that doesn't imply that it should be immutable. There should still be a range, which is part of the topic here - presuming there is a range, how would one control (if one could control) where in that range a particular character falls? But yeah - in Oblivion, I rarely raised speed over about 65, since it just becomes too laughably Keystone Kops'ish beyond that point - not just unrealistic, but ridiculous.
And yeah - running should drain your stamina. Not just in particular situations or in lieu of a particular perk, but all the time. I can see maybe diminishing the effect to the point that it's negligible, but I don't think it should be eliminated entirely. I imagine I'm in the minority on that one though.
Still - the questions remain - will there be a range of movement speeds? Without a speed attribute, how will they be determined? Will it require using perks to gain movement speed? Will any character have access to those perks, or will they be skill related? If the latter, what skills? Will movement speed be tied in with stamina? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense (stamina determines how long one can run - not how fast), but health or magicka makes even less sense.