» Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:51 am
If they had made a specific decision not to include it, it would have already been answered along with the many, many questions that were answered in the negative (i.e., no spears, no multiplayer, etc).
The questions that Pete and Todd have avoided answering have generally been questions relating to features that they were still experimenting with and not ready to announce one way or the other (i.e., horses, lycanthropy, etc.). Considering how well it was received for New Vegas, along with the fact that there are confirmed crafting stations for cooking in Skyrim, etc., my guess is that hardcor/survival mode is something the devs have been looking into but not decided on yet.
If Todd were forced to answer this question today, my best guess is that he would say they have been playing around with this, but they don't want to include it unless it works very well.
@Tlantl, Pete has been asked this on Twitter numerous times and it has been included in lists of questions for Todd on Game Informer comments, for example.