One of my friends actually tried Oblivion just last Saturday. He got about 7 minutes into the tutorial then quit because it was too boring. I agree, the current majority of gamers are what I call 'stupid'. Not in the normal sense (lacking the ability to comprehend things, do math, whatever), but in a different one. They only want to play a game if it's fast paced, your told exactly what to do, the graphics are top notch, and something explodes every 4 seconds. They care little about story, and don't listen to much dialog. This obviously means TES is not, and never will be the series for them. Honestly it's sad. I think TES is a fantastic series. Sure, there are no nazi zombies (just normal zombies
), sure not much explodes, sure Oblivion and before dont look the best anymore. But I have yet to play another game that gives you such a rush of immersion, telling all sorts of stories and letting you truely feel like your in their world. I have gotten lost countlessly in Oblivion (and Fallout 3, which was like realistic Oblivion, lets be honest
) where hours would pass and I don't even notice, until looking at the clock in shock. Then of course, I abruptly notice how stiff my legs are... or that I had stopped breathing for several minutes... But it's still awesome! I assure you! :cryvaultboy: