I'm trying to attach this script
SCN AA0SamuraiSwordScriptRef MeRef WhoRef ShieldShort CShort MLong KEYBegin OnAddset Who to Getcontainerset Me to GetBaseObjectset Shield to Who.GetEquippedObject 13endBegin OnEquipsetWeaponType 0set Who to Getcontainer If Shield != 0 Who.UnequipItem Shield endifset C to 1endbegin MenuMode 1set Shield to Who.GetEquippedObject 13 If Shield != 0 && Who.GetEquipped Me Who.UnequipItem Shield endifSetWeaponType 1set M to 1endBegin OnUnEquipsetWeaponType 0set C to 0endBegin OnDropset c to 0endBegin GameModeif Who.GetEquipped Me && C == 0 SetWeaponType 0 If Shield != 0 Who.UnequipItem Shield endif set C to 1endifif M == 1 && Who.IsWeaponOut == 0 setWeaponType 0 set M to 0endifIf C == 1 && Who.IsWeaponOut set KEY to GetControl 8 SetWeaponType 1 set C to 2elseIf C == 2 && IsKeyPressed2 KEY setWeaponType 0elseIf C == 2 && Who.IsWeaponOut == 0 setWeaponType 0 Message " " Message " " Who.UnequipItem Me Who.equipItem Me set c to 1endifIf Who.GetEquipped Me == 0 && C == 1 setWeaponType 0 set C to 0endifend
to a katana, and I'm having some issues with it. I've tried using the script editor in the CS to create a new script, but once saved, I can't find the script anywhere in the list of scripts to add to it. It does show up in the list of what I can open in the script editor, but not in the list of what scripts can be attached to the weapon. I'm using the command-line argument to load OBSE with the CS, so I'm sure that's not it. Any help? I'm trying to use it as an object script.