» Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm
Mine was also in Hackdirt, but it scared me so much that I must describe it. I'd rented a room at the Inn, and was woken up suddenly. I didn't notice that I had been awoken, because while my character was sleeping I turned to pet my Dog. When I started to resume playing I had begun to turn the camera around, and heard "OUTSIDER! KILL!", and there it was. A shirtless man wielding a mace, ready to attack me. This was pretty frightening, but this was only the beginning. I moved the camera slightly upward, to get a good aim, and in front of me was the most hideous face I had ever looked upon. It was about 1AM at the time, and I was in a small room, alone (except for my Dog of course), and the only light source was that of the screen. I jumped so high off my seat that I almost fell to the floor, and I had to go into the menu screen to collect myself for a moment before beginning to play again.