Cure vampirism glitch

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 am

So I became a vampire, quested to find the cure, got the cure, came back to Skingrad. I talked to the argonian lady and she said "follow me." So I begin to follow her and I step outside into that accursed burning sun and I start to lose health alot faster than i can heal myself. I run around a little bit then get the hell back inside and let my mana regenerate so I can continue healing myself. The Argonian lady comes back in and says something like "The count is waiting." Waiting where? I check everywhere, I even spawn a skeleton key to go into the counts chambers, he's nowhere. So I spawn another count. I talk to him, and he starts walking outside where the argonian first led me, except I drank the potion this time and I can follow him without going back inside. So up the stairs he goes, and turns right into a wall. He just keeps walking into this wall. Like theres supposed to be a door there, but there isn't. Thats where I left off. I read something about the "Chamber of the Lost" or something. If I could get codes to teleport myself there, if thats even possible, that would be great. Other wise what am I supposed to do?
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm

the door to the chamber is at the bottom of the stairs to your left behind the wall as you leave the castle there should be a switch there to open it
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Trent Theriot
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